
Sabtu, 06 Desember 2008

Hotel Atlet

We are seeking immediately highly motivated persons for the following positions :

1. Executive Chef

2. Public Relations Manager

3. Duty Assistant Manager

4. Front Desk Officer

General Requirements :

1. Good command in English both oral and written

2. Related Experience and educational

3. A good team player and pleasant personality

4. Enthusiastic, young and mature

5. Point 1 above 30 years old (male), point 2 and 3 (female).

Please spread out the news and for those who are interested may submit the Application Letter and CV including scanned recent photograph to Human Resources Department immediately.

All applications will be treated confidentially and only the qualified candidate will be called and considered for an interview.

Faisal Wahab

Human Resources Manager

Hotel Atlet Century Park

Jakarta 10270


Ph. 62-21 571 2041

fax. 62-21 571 2191

email faisal-wahab@atletcentury. com


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